Fashion is unstable, makeup and hairstyles change. However Indulona has been holding its solid position as the most popular hand care product for more than 65 years. Look at how many significant milestones has our brand passed!

A team of top Czech and Slovak dermatologists developed the first recipe of universal product for dry skin and chapped hands. Cream was named Indulona.

Indulona Blue came to life. Its formula stays unchanged to this day and is still produced. This is very unique in today’s world.

Mass production of Indulona begins. The cream is being produced under the name A / 64.

Indulona found its way to the general public in the category of cosmetics thanks to its beneficent effects.

Microbes and bacteria are sounding the alarm: Indulona Disinfectant is coming to the market.

New Indulona creams-Marigold and Seabuckthorn quickly won the hearts and hands of thousands of satisfied customers.

Indulona Repellent with prolonged effects is introduced. It became popular among Czech and Slovak travelers during their visits all around the world.

We introduced a new product line of skin care Indulona Hand Care Day and Night Indulona Hand Care.

New formula- Indulona Baby is being introduced to the market. One could hardly count how many Czech and Slovak children were taken care of by this product.

Indulona brand portfolio is extended with new products- Indulona olive and chamomile.

Indulona is introducing new innovative series of hand creams for complex care in modern packaging. You can choose between Indulona original, Indulona marigold, Indulona olive and Indulona protective.

Indulona launches a new range of products for the care of the whole body - body lotions, body creams and foot cream. All products provide complex and intensive skin care.